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MS Shoes Fall Series

MS Shoes Fall Series

The MS Shoes Fall Series Book One uncovers the initial phase of Pavan Sachdeva’s rise to fame. As the story progresses, one thing becomes apparent: you cannot judge a book by its cover. Alborz, in the meantime, is committed to exposing the fraudulent activity that caused one man so much unjust anguish.

Pavan Sachdeva’s family moved from Pakistan when the country was divided during the independence. Following in his father’s footsteps, Pavan started as a small manufacturer of shoes in 1975 supplying to Bata. As his knowledge expanded, Pavan switched to exports and grew to an enormous company after establishing MS Shoes East Limited in 1986. MS Shoes became the largest exporter of shoes from India to Western European countries, which were hard currency areas, not to mention the boost it provided to India’s economy. 

The same man accused of underhanded dealings fulfilled his debts due to these deceptive lies, with no compensation for the legally awarded settlement. Alborz proves how Pavan’s commitment not only caused financial stress on his family, but mental anxiety dealing with this issue for over two decades.

Yet, rulings go unanswered, Hudco ignores legal court findings to repay the ill-gotten monies from MS Shoes. The only response is more excuses as to why the court decisions have not been met by Hudco.

As the culprits hide in the shadows, Pavan struggled through court case after court case, proving his innocence. Official Supreme Court rulings were seen as frivolous orders to corrupt officers and business executives. Alborz brings light on the scam to reveal the truth that has deprived innocent victims of due justice for decades.

Pavan Struggling

Book 1

In the MS Shoes Fall Series by Alborz Azar, he reveals another side of Pavan Sachdeva. After the completion of the HUDCO Scam series, Alborz decided it was time to shed light on the man who had spent twenty-five years defending his innocence along with exposing the many scams in India. As an English attorney, Alborz understood first-hand the trials of handling large court cases regularly in the U.K. During their thirty-minute zoom conversation Alborz agreed that Pavan had always been committed to following honest business tactics, and agreed to write about his story.  


Alborz Azar

Alborz Azar

Alborz Azar is an English novelist who imagines himself as a character in his books. His novels focus on delivering the message of love to the readers. His heroines are optimists, and the stories are resolved in a manner that leaves the reader with a feeling of hope and happy expectation. But his favorite topic rests on exposing scams by the media; this first series exposes major scams by the Indian Government and Hudco. Alborz feels strongly about his quest about exposing the scams.

As a truth-teller, Alborz has a goal of being in Guinness World Records by completing 100 books during the second half of his life, like Barbara Cartland, Harold Robbins. His first five novels ‘The RAHA Series’ have been published translated into 24 languages, while he completes more books in this series, ‘Will Love Perish the Pandemic Seperaation In COVID-19’, ‘22 Jiby Sexy Love Making’, ‘After 28th September 2020’.   

Most of Alborz’s romance novels and contemporary women’s fiction, businesses law scam series were completed during COVID-19, the 40-day lockdown. He is definite that these books and forthcoming scam series would premier as a TV series, or movies whether in Bollywood, Hollywood, or other Countries as these books are being distributed worldwide.

The passion Alborz finds for writing was inspired by his Eshgham; the lovely girl Pantea later named Raha. WHO DID IIT was the first of his novels published as part of the RAHA Series. In 2020, Lizzy McNett, his literary agent, and owner of Writers Publishing House, advised him to write a series of interconnected stories, which became known as The Raha Series.

Courts Concluded HUDCO Scam Defrauded Discriminated Cheated MS Shoes

In the next book of the HUDCO Scam Series, Alborz reveals how Courts concluded Hudco Scam Defrauded Discriminated Cheated MS Shoes. In 1994-1995, HUDCO illegally retained MS Shoes monies of Rs. 68.68 crores (US Dollars 21.89 million). By doing so, they have unjustly enriched by Rs. 7800 Crores (US Dollars 1021.20 million), earning 18% Interest with quarterly rests.

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